
350-360 Demott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873

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Happy Holidays!

a message from our presidentThis past year has undoubtedly been a most difficult year. We have all been challenged in ways we’ve never imagined. As we look back at 2020, I want to thank our residents, clients and families for your trust, patience and partnership during the pandemic and always. I also want to thank our staff at The Wilf Campus – Stein Assisted Living, Wilf At Home, Wilentz Senior Residence, Stein Hospice and Wilf Transport – for their hard work, compassion and dedication. As I’ve said before, they are truly our heroes in the face of this pandemic. If nothing else, 2020 has taught us about resilience and the power of community, family and friends.

And although this holiday season may look a little different, we look forward to 2021 with the promise of a brighter future. The COVID-19 vaccines give us hope that we can soon, slowly and steadily, return to normal. We look forward to gathering with friends and family, shaking hands, hugging our loved ones, and seeing all the smiling faces behind the masks.

On the Wilf Campus, we look forward to returning to our normal activities and continuing to enhance the lives of our residents and clients through all our agencies.

As we look forward to a return to some normalcy in the near future, I wish you a happy and healthy holiday season and a brighter 2021!

Robert Barry
President, Wilf Campus for Senior Living

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