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Wilf Visiting Residents TipsVisiting a family member frequently can be a great support method for a resident’s emotional well-being and can help assure that residents receive quality care. Visits are also an important time to look for changes in your loved ones health and mental status.

At the Oscar and Ella Wilf Campus for Senior Living, we encourage families to make the most of their visit by avoiding a planned agenda. It’s often best to let the resident take the lead and decide how they would like to spend the time together.

There are several ways for families and residents to enjoy their time together. Consider the following tips before your next visit:

1. Check in with staff when you arrive. This is not only for safety purposes, but an opportunity to meet the community and people who interact with your loved one.

2. Plan our visits around what makes you and them happy and comfortable.

3. Bring an old photograph. This can be a great way to spark memories and conversation about the past. Perfect opportunity for family members to learn something new about their loved one and connect in a new way.

4. A visit doesn’t have to revolve around constant conversation. Bring a favorite book to read out loud together or watch a movie. Simple companionship can be just as enjoyable.

5. Visit in a noise-free environment. Ask if you may turn off the television during your visit or ask your loved one if he/she would like to move to a quieter place on campus.

6. Don’t hesitate to see their new community in action and accompany them to programs offered, such as a concert or special education program. It can be a powerful experience for family members to see their loved ones thriving.

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