
350-360 Demott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873

Phone Number


Dylan Fields

HR Manager

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te duo labitur dolores. Te eos soleat equidem menandri, duo feugait scaevola lobortis cu, ut ius viderer quaestio expetenda. Sale constituto omittantur usu te, ne nostrud quaeque sit. Ea sea viderer noluisse ponderum, ea cum dicat omittam posidonium, ei ubique nostro has. Appetere appellantur ei eum, est aperiri.

Phone: +1(012)3456 78 90
Mail: [email protected]

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People About Dylan

My mother has been living at Stein Assisted Living for 11 years. It’s the place she calls home. I can go to sleep knowing that she’s being taken care of. She was recently hospitalized for the first time and she was well attended to when she came back. I knew that she felt good about coming back to Stein. She is involved in a lot of activities that she hadn’t done before living there — mah jongg, poker, cards. It’s nice that she has so many activities.

Bernetta M.

Thank you so much for your condolence thoughts and contribution to the Hospice in my mother’s memory. She adored you and she lovingly looked forward to your visits. She enjoyed hearing about your Israel trip. You brought her a joy and quality of life that is uniquely you. My sister and I will never forget your kindness… Your time and contribution are most appreciated, but most of all, the special gift of you.

Nancy B.Edison

Thank you so much for everything you did for my Mom. She’s always looked forward to your visits and phone calls. You were a good friend and your visits helped her during a very difficult time.  I’m so grateful for having met you.

Mary and Tony I.Kendall Park

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