
350-360 Demott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873

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Stein Hospice Hosts Diaper Drive in Support of Central Jersey Diaper Bank

diaper drive flyerWhy would Stein Hospice collect baby diapers? As a member of the community, serving the community, it’s not only important that we give the best possible support to our patients, but also be responsible citizens. In this regard we can’t think of a more vital cause than supporting other non-profits that form the social safety net in our area.

In this season of giving, we are asking that you support the Central Jersey Diaper Bank by donating a pack of diapers for needy families in Central Jersey. Stein Hospice will be collecting donations from December 10th to 18th. In poor and low-income families, a baby can spend a day or longer in one diaper. Recent research has shown that babies in physical distress cry more and are more likely to be abused by parents who are already stressed. Nonprofits working with families and individuals consistently list diapers as an ongoing and high priority need. Despite this need, government food subsidies do not cover the cost of diapers or other hygienic supplies.

Most licensed day care centers do not accept cloth diapers and require parents to provide a steady supply of disposable diapers. Without these, parents cannot access daycare and are less able to attend school or work on a regular basis. This leads to increased economic instability and a continuation of the cycle of poverty.

Lack of formula best-suited to an individual child, leads to hunger and malnutrition. Sometimes parents “water down” short supplies; at other times babies suffer from skin, respiratory or bowel symptoms because the available formula is not right for them.

To participate in this good deed, bring diapers, wipes, formula, baby blankets and warm baby clothes to Stein Hospice at the Wilf Campus for Senior Living, 354 Demott Lane, Somerset NJ. Toddler diapers sizes 4,5 and 6, as well as pull-ups are in short supply. Donations will be accepted between Dec 10th through the 18th! Please call 732-227-1212 to arrange a drop off or call upon arrival during business hours. We are grateful for the opportunity to support our community members this season, and we thank you!

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