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Stein Assisted Living Launches Virtual Volunteer Program

woman speaking with elderly man on webcallJust in time for National Volunteer Month, the Department of Resident Engagement at Stein Assisted Living announces the launch of its virtual volunteer program. The Wilf Campus for Senior Living commends McKenna Wardell, Director of Resident Engagement; Joann Brennan, Assistant Director of Resident Engagement; and Jean Leone, Executive Director for their efforts. Read their official announcement below:

Maya Angelou once wrote, “Stand up straight and realize who you are, that you tower over your circumstances.” As we here at Stein Assisted Living reflect on the past year, one that brought a level of hardship unknown in recent times–we are truly moved by the overwhelming amount of support received from both our local community and those afar. Over the past few weeks, we have received a number of inquiries in regard to when we will be able to integrate volunteers back into our daily programming.

At this time, the Department of Resident Engagement is extremely excited to announce the official launch of our comprehensive Virtual Volunteer Program. Through educational lectures, musical performances, immersive technology, cross-cultural events, spontaneous humor, and heartfelt companionship; each of our residents will have a chance to redefine their purpose and permanently install a pattern of successful aging. The overall purpose of this program is to enrich the daily lives of our residents through intergenerational interactions, meaningful moments, and global connections.

The program welcomes student organizations, community groups, resident families, and/or individual volunteers to share their talents and interests with our residents in a variety of opportunities available at our community. The first official Stein Assisted Living Virtual Volunteer Orientation for our newly welcomed eleven volunteers and any additional applicants will be held via Zoom during the month of April.

For more information on the Virtual Volunteer Program, contact Director of Resident Engagement, McKenna Wardell at 732-568-1155, ext. 324.

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