
350-360 Demott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873

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The Oscar and Ella Wilf Campus for Senior Living Breaks Ground for Education and Resource Center

The Oscar and Ella Wilf Campus for Senior Living broke ground on its Education and Resource Center on Friday, April 20th. The new $3.5 million, 12,000-square-foot, two-story building will be built on the Campus property on DeMott Lane in Somerset, NJ.

“The Education and Resource Center will be a great addition to the two existing buildings and the full spectrum of services already offered,” said Donna Oshri, Director of Marketing and Community Relations. “Enabling us to expand our services and programs across our Campus and the greater community.”

The Oscar and Ella Wilf Campus for Senior Living has been a leader in elder care and senior services in Central New Jersey for more than 40 years. The Campus consists of:

  • Stein Assisted Living, which provides housing and high-quality care and daily support for seniors.
  • Wilentz Senior Residence, which provides spacious, private apartments for income restricted seniors.
  • Wilf Transport, which provides assisted non-medical, social and quality of life transportation for seniors and individuals with special needs who are over the age of 18.
  • Stein Hospice, which provides end of life care to patients and support to their families. Care is provided where the patient lives – home, assisted living facility, or nursing home.
  • The Foundation at The Wilf Campus – the fundraising arm of the Campus, which enables the Campus to offer programs and services that benefit seniors at the Wilf Campus and the greater community.

Due to lack of space, Stein Hospice is currently located off-campus, on Veronica Avenue in Somerset. The Wilf Campus Corporate offices are currently located at the Stein Assisted Living building. Once the new building is complete, Stein Hospice, Wilf Transport, The Foundation and the Campus’ Corporate and Marketing offices will all relocate to the new building, centralizing all of resources at The Oscar and Ella Wilf Campus for Senior Living. This will also free up the rooms that the offices currently occupy at the Stein Assisted Living building.

Most importantly, the Education and Resource Center will include a variety of meeting rooms as well as a multi-purpose room, which will allow the Campus to expand its health, wellness and educational programs, such as speakers, workshops and continuing education programs and make these programs available to the greater community. Social and creative arts programs, such as holiday celebrations, movie and theatre programs, and other programs, are also planned. The Wilf Campus also plans to expand the support groups that are already offered and offer various resources for the senior community. A Resource Room for seniors to find information and resources available to them through a small library area, computer work stations, and an information area, will be included.

The Education and Resource Center is being funded through a combination of sources, including money set aside by the Campus as well as private donations. Donor naming opportunities are available, and a fundraising campaign is currently underway.

For more information about The Education and Resource Center or any of the services offered by The Oscar and Ella Wilf Campus for Senior Living, please call 732-568-1155.

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