
350-360 Demott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873

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Israel's Independence DayOn Thursday, April 23rd, we celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut, also known as Israel’s Independence Day. This holiday observes David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, publicly reading the Israel’s Declaration of Independence on May 14, 1948.

On this day we celebrate by hosting a lively party with entertainment by Elly, delicious Falafel and other Israeli foods!

According to the Jewish calendar, the fifth day of the month of Iyar cannot fall on a Sunday. If this date falls on a Friday or Saturday, Yom HaAtzmaut is observed on the third or fourth day of the month. If the date falls on a Monday, it is observed on the sixth day of Iyar. This is so that the festivities do not fall just before, on, or just after the Sabbath.

The most popular symbol displayed at events that celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut is Israel’s flag. Many of these events welcomes the public and include entertainment like singing, music and dancing, face painting, flag making activities, Kosher pizza dinners, and possibly even special camel rides.

Other Jewish communities celebrate Israel’s Independence Day with a benefit concert featuring bands from Israel, as well as local bands. A variety of music is usually offered and arts and craft activities for children and young teenagers as well.

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