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From Trauma to Healing:
Seeking Solace and Safe Places to Fall

Seeking Solace and Safe Places to Fall

Bobbi Lambert, PhD

Thursday, March 10, 6:00 PM

From Trauma to Healing: Seeking Solace and Safe Places to Fall, authored by Bobbi Lambert, PhD, offers readers hope to release the shackles of past trauma and be in control of their own destiny.

Lambert, a subject-matter expert on trauma since 1985, weaves together her powerful personal story of reconciling family trauma and devastating loss with case studies from her career working with hundreds of clients enduring a broad range of traumatic experiences. By sharing beautifully synthesized scientific truisms and tools, the author gently wraps her readers in a warm blanket of hope to heal from their own experiences of trauma.

“Trauma’s grip on us can be paralyzing, freezing every part of our being into inaction,” says Lambert. “Loosening the hold of trauma and gaining the confidence to relax into the arms of unconditional love for self and others is the freedom essential to our healing.”

Inside her debut book, Lambert walks the reader through a step-by-step process as she unpacks her own family history and journey of personal healing, offering the promise of a fuller life, improved relationships and wellbeing and a legacy of hope for the future.

Dr. Bobbi Lambert is the cofounder of Confidante, Inc., a San Francisco Bay Area human resources consulting company specializing in the prevention and management of disruptive workplace behavior and traumatic events. Since 1985, she has worked with a variety of employers to create workplace harmony through executive coaching and on-site management.

The Alexander Joseph Kaufman Author Series is dedicated by Sherryl and Michael Kaufman in memory of Michael’s younger brother, Alexander.

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