
350-360 Demott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873

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During These Unprecedented Times, Wilf At Home is Here for You

home care aide with patient, both wearing surgical masksCaring for an elderly loved one is always challenging, but the coronavirus pandemic has presented caregivers with additional concerns, including seeking health care services during these times of social distancing. Fear of exposing seniors, who are already vulnerable to the virus, may be keeping family members from seeking help when they need it. At these difficult times, Wilf At Home is here to help.

Our caring and dedicated team is here to meet your needs, wherever your loved one calls home. Our primary focus continues to be the safety and well-being of our patients and staff. Our staff has been trained on new safety precautions, new protocols and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as directed by the CDC and the NJ Department of Health. In addition, all staff has been tested and is screened for symptoms prior to the start of services to ensure that they do not show sign of illness. We remain open for new clients and provide skilled and non-skilled care where and when you need it.

For those currently acting as caregivers for sick family members, here are some helpful precautions recommended by the CDC:

  • Wear gloves when you touch or have contact with the sick person’s blood, stool or body fluids, such as saliva, mucus, vomit and urine. Throw out gloves into a lined trash can and wash hands right away.
  • The caregiver should ask the sick person to put on a cloth face covering before entering the room.
  • The caregiver may also wear a cloth face covering when caring for a person who is sick.
  • To prevent getting sick, make sure you practice everyday preventive actions: clean hands often; avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands; and frequently clean and disinfect surfaces.

Wilf At Home’s team of trusted professionals

It is not only understandable, but recommended, that contact with vulnerable populations be reduced during the current pandemic. However, medical issues still arise. Wilf At Home’s professionals can help ease the burden for family caregivers in these instances.

Through a team of registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and RN case managers, Wilf At Home – which is part of the services offered through the Wilf Campus for Senior Living – provides skilled nursing support and private duty nursing. We support families in navigating the complex healthcare environment, from creating a home care plan to aiding with transitional care from hospital to home. Certified home health aides are also available to provide personal care assistance. Non-medical companionship is also available.

We are here to provide immediate support and care to you and your loved one. Please contact us at 732-649-3502 or email [email protected].

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