
350-360 Demott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873

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This workshop discusses key issues related to understanding dehumanization in the medical community and how to counteract this process without compromising patient care.

Presented by Dr. Irit Felsen, PH.D., NJ Licensed Psychologist
3 Clinical CEUs for Social Workers

Date: Friday, December 16, 2016
Time: 9:00am -12:30 pm
Location: Wilentz Senior Residence, 360 Demott Lane, Somerset, NJ, 08873

Course Outline

  • Review of the definition of dehumanization and infra-humanization and their relationship to empathy
  • Summary of the contribution of neuroscience to the understanding of the attribution of lesser humanness
  • Social conformity and how responses are changed based on social norms
  • Distinguishing the difference between functional and non-functional causes of dehumanizing practices in a medical setting
  • Learn how to recognize the risk of dehumanization in medicine and effective strategies to counteract this process
  • Specific strategies for addressing non-intentional bias in patient care

Who Should Attend?
Entry, immediate, and advance social workers who work in geriatric settings. Certificates will be distributed at the end of class upon completion of written course evaluations. Request for special accommodations, ADA, and for information about continuing education credits for social workers, please contact Toby Ehrlich (732) 568-1155.

With any questions regarding this course, please call Toby Ehrlich at (732) 568-1155.

**To RSVP Please call (732) 568-1155 or email [email protected]

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