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The Hospice Revolution

Wilf Campus Bruce Speaking
This week Bruce Birnberg, LCSW , Executive Director of Stein Hospice, spoke to 87 AARP members at the North Brunswick Senior Center.

His talk entitled “The Hospice Revolution” described the evolution of hospice from a barely organized group of volunteer-do-gooders, into a full-fledged Medicare benefit.

He highlighted the fact that, while 90% of Americans say they wish to die at home surrounded by their family, 70% of Americans die in institutions. “Only 20% of Americans get what they want,” stated Birnberg.

He encouraged AARP members to consider “hopping off the medical treadmill” and to press their physicians by asking “what would you do if I were your mother or father?”

To learn more about Stein Hospice and the programs we offer please contact Bruce Birnberg, LCSW, Executive Director, at (732) 227-1212 or email [email protected].

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