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High Holiday Services Begin, Communal Dining Resumes, and more at Stein Assisted Living

Stein Assisted Living continues its mission to promote resident engagement while keeping safety at the forefront. Recently, the community has implemented new technology and new furnishings that will aide us in continuing the return to ordinary activity. With the return of communal dining and family attendance being permitted at religious services, it is our hope that residents and families alike will benefit from these connections.

Outdoor activities have been a great pastime this summer. Residents have enjoyed fitness classes, live entertainment from screened performers and lectures with our campus chaplain. To enhance this experience and promote the comfort and safety of residents, 13’ umbrellas have been purchased to provide additional shade throughout the day. These coverings, in addition to our gazebos, will enhance the experiences to be had during the rest of the season in our courtyards.

four chairs at a dining table, separated by plexiglassAs we move into the next phase of our strategic reopening plan, following the High Holidays, indoor communal dining will recommence for lunch and dinner. Our Country Kitchen, Private Dining Room, and Chapel will be used in order to foster social distancing. With two individuals to a table and the installation of plexiglass partitions, residents will be able to safely enjoy the company of their friends and neighbors in the community.

As outdoor family visitation continues, residents have provided feedback on the quality of their visits and ways in which they can be improved. Due to social distancing measures, many hard of hearing parties have experienced difficulty with these visits. To provide comfort and ease of conversation, Stein Assisted Living is now providing residents with access to sound amplifying over-ear headphones. Additionally, iPads are available for the use of residents who wish to be set-up on video calls with family members throughout the week. Maintaining communication between residents and families is a priority at Stein Assisted Living, and technology has been a great aide in helping sustain that goal.

Lastly, our residents and families are excited to join each other for a number of outdoor High Holiday services held by Director of Religious and Spiritual Services, Rabbi Bryan Kinzbrunner. Attendance is by reservation in order to ensure social distancing. Outdoor Shabbat services will continue on Saturdays (weather permitting) after the holidays.

As the year continues, the community is constantly reevaluating and implementing ways to keep life enjoyable, fun and safe for our residents.

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