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October is physical therapy month. Physical therapy reaches well beyond just improving someone’s strength.

“Physical therapy is both lifesaving and life giving to older adults,” FOX Rehabilitation physical therapist Sandra Waas PT, DPT, GCS said. Waas works with some of the residents at Stein Assisted Living in Somerset, New Jersey.

For insight into the power of physical therapy, FOX’s physical therapist at the Stein Assisted Living offered their expertise regarding how to prevent fall risk.

Studies showed that nearly a third of all falls result in moderate to severe injuries that significantly change person’ quality of life. This can include broken bones, head trauma or other muscular injuries.

Some may be surprised to realize the majority older adults who fall do so in their own environment during their usual activities.

Decreased muscle strength, pain, vision changes, impaired sensation and dizziness can all increase a person’s risk for falls. But there are things a physical therapist can perform. Physical therapists are specially trained in evaluating all the risk factors for falls.

“The good news is that falling is not part of normal aging, and as many as two thirds of falls are potentially preventable.”

After a thorough evaluation, a physical therapist will work with their client to develop an individualized plan to address all modifiable risk factors for falls. This plan of care may involve exercise for strength and balance, talking to a physician about the clients’ underlying medical conditions, and making modifications to their home environment.

We are pleased to offer Physical Therapy at Stein Assisted Living right along with Strength, Balance and Mobility Classes twice week.

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