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Discussing Men’s Health Ahead of Father’s Day

Two middle-age woman showing an elderly man a laptop

June is Men’s Health Month

As Father’s Day approaches, many are focused on buying gifts, planning thoughtful ways to celebrate and setting reminders to reach out to loved ones. While this year’s method of communication might be different for some who plan to social distance, keeping contact has become more important then ever. Being that June is Men’s Health Month, now is the perfect time to discuss the importance of health and wellness with Dad, Grandpa and the other men in your life.

There are many ways that we can help promote health and wellness for the men in our lives, including having a conversation! Some topics that are worth discussion are:

Encouraging regular health exams
Life expectancy for men is, on average, five years shorter than that of women in North America. Yet, many of the conditions and illnesses that contribute to this statistic are preventable! According to a CDC study, “excluding pregnancy-related visits, women were 33 percent more likely than men to visit a doctor, although this difference decreased with age.” The importance of regular annual physicals lies in establishing a baseline. When healthcare professionals have regular blood pressure, weight and other factors to refer to, it is much easier to notice when issues arise. The earlier these problems are caught; the sooner treatment can begin — often times being much less invasive.

Getting screened
There are several screenings that have been proven to prevent and detect the development of certain diseases. While they vary in recommended age, all are important to be aware of. Here are a few screenings to consider:

  • Colorectal screening (age 45+, highly treatable when detected early)
  • Prostate screening (age 50+, the decision to get screened should be made after getting information about both the risks and potential benefits of prostate cancer screening)
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm (age 65+ if ever a smoker)
  • Blood pressure
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Lipid disorders
  • STD
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Some men may have a “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” state of thinking. However, with education and encouragement we can help bring awareness to preventable health issues before they ever manifest physically! Whether it’s on healthy eating  or using sunscreen — now is the perfect time to start a conversation that could in turn lengthen your loved one’s life.

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