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Join us Friday, November 18, 2016 @ 1:30pm at Stein Assisted Living
Reb Simcha Raphel presents Exploring Jewish Views of the Afterlife
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Scholar-in-Residence Shabbaton with Reb Simcha Raphael
Temple Shalom
594 North Bridge Street
Bridgewater, NJ
NOVEMBER 18-19, 2016
For more information, contact [email protected] or 908-722-1339

FRIDAY NITE DVAR TORAH: Services begin at 8pm

Jacob’s Cave at Machpelah – Guidelines from Genesis for Living and Dying
To begin our Shabbat learning, we shall investigate deathbed tales at the end of Genesis, describing how Jacob and Joseph, were “gathered to their ancestors.” We shall discover the wisdom Torah provides for dealing consciously with death and bereavement, and see how our Biblical ancestors understood the connection between this world and the world beyond.
SHABBAT MORNING DVAR TORAH: Services begin at 9:30
Isaac’s Near Death Experience on the Altar
In this week’s parasha we read the Akedah – the story of the binding of Isaac. This morning we shall study little-known Jewish Midrashic (legendary) texts describing how Yitzhak had what we call today a “near-death experience” in which he died and was later brought back to life. A contemporary understanding of near-death experiences invites us to think differently about the nature of dying and life after death.
Afterlife Journey of the Soul in Kabbalah
Does Judaism believe in the afterlife? Unequivocally, the answer is yes! However, today many are unaware of traditional Jewish wisdom on life after death. This presentation explores Judaism’s afterlife teachings, particularly in the traditions of Kabbalah and Hasidism. Through study and discussion we shall discover the relevance of these teachings in dealing with the reality of the human encounter with death.
Twilight Between Worlds: Tales of Ghosts, Spirits and Reincarnating Souls
In the story-telling telling traditions of Jewish folk religion and mysticism are to be found extensive teachings on the afterlife journey of the soul. Through an evening of animated story-telling and open discussion, we shall learn about Jewish views of the afterlife by entering the invisible worlds populated by ghosts, lost souls, haunting spirits, dybbukim, and heavenly angelic guides. This is a family-friendly program.
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Reb Simcha Raphael, Ph.D. is Founding Director of DA’AT INSTITUTE for Death Awareness, Advocacy and Training, Adjunct Professor in Psychology at Bryn Athyn College, and in practice as a psychotherapist and spiritual director in Philadelphia. Ordained by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi as a Rabbinic Pastor, he is a member of the Rabbis Without Borders Network, and author of numerous publications including Jewish Views of the Afterlife. Sponsored by Stein Hospice and Crabiel Parkwest Funeral Chapel.
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