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Happy Labor Day & L’Shana Tova

Dear Residents, Patients, Family Members and Friends of the Wilf Campus,

Labor Day is a national tribute to the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country. During these difficult times especially, it is an opportunity for us to recognize and thank all of the hard-working and dedicated individuals at the Wilf Campus for Senior Living and everywhere, who have been at the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. They continue to be our heroes in the face of this pandemic.

For many, Labor Day also marks the unofficial end of summer and it is often celebrated with one last barbeque or get-together with family and friends. This year, the holiday also coincides with Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New year, which begins just as Labor Day ends on Monday evening, September 6th.

Rosh Hashana is one of the most important holidays in the Jewish calendar. It begins a period of reflection, repentance and prayers for a good year ahead. This year, as the pandemic continues, Rosh Hashana is an opportunity to look back, reflect and remember all that we have been through and lost during these difficult times, while at the same time hope and look forward to a better future. Along with our Board of Trustees, I’d like to recognize and honor all of our wonderful Wilf Campus staff for all they have done and continue to do each and every day for our residents and clients during these unprecedented times.

As summer comes to an end, whether you’re celebrating Rosh Hashana, the beginning of a new school year, or a new season, I wish all of us a brighter year ahead, filled with lots of health and happy moments with our loved ones.

Happy Labor Day and L’Shana Tova to all who celebrate!

Robert Barry
President, Wilf Campus for Senior Living

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