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Online Activities that Keep Seniors Engaged
older woman smiling and looking at a laptop screen

A Stein Assisted Living resident keeping in touch with family via video-calling

As states and municipalities across the country slowly open up to allowing recreational activity, there are many seniors who are still dealing with isolation and a lack of engagement due to social distancing. At the same time, seniors and older adults are using computers and smart phones more now than ever. In fact, in 2019, 70% of adults over 65 years of age were reported as internet users!

We’ve come up with a list of great activities and online games that can help senior computer and smart phone users stay engaged and educated during this time and in the future:

Online gaming

A classic word building game, Scrabble is available online and through mobile apps on both iPhone and Android phones. There is also Words with Friends, a very popular version of the game in which users can play with friends, family and other users around the world!

A game of patience and careful decision making, solitaire is a fun and simple care game that can be played alone. Available in many different themes online through AARP or through mobile apps, this is a very accessible game to play for free.

For tablet, desktop, and laptop users, is a great website for accessing tons of free and safe online games including chess, monopoly, dominos, and more.

inside the museum of art and history in geneva

Museum of Art and History in Geneva, by Katejnq

Arts and Culture

Google offers an online resource called Arts and Culture in which users can tour museums and exhibits from around the world all from the comfort of their homes. From seeing the Mona Lisa at the Louvre to touring a historical fort in Agra, India, the options are endless.

One can even participate in quizzes on what they’ve learned and try coloring in their own versions of classic paintings with the Art Coloring Book feature!


A truly endless source of content, YouTube viewers can find a video on pretty much any topic they desire. From comedy, to poetry readings, to author discussions on their favorite books. If you can, setting up an account for your loved one and subscribing them to a few channels that cater to their interests is a great way to get them started and stick to certain topics.

Social Media

Social media is a great way for older adults (and anyone else) to stay connected with friends and family. Sharing photos and updates is a great way to feel updated and in-the-loop without needing to visit others in person. Many platforms, like Facebook, have video chatting and messaging features which make keeping in contact easy.

Having access to the internet is a great resource for an endless amount of information and activities, from weather reports and news, to learning new recipes; it’s a wonderful way to keep your older loved-one entertained! For those who have basic computer skills, using this resource is encouraged. We hope that this list helps provide a foundation for getting started, and staying engaged.

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