
350-360 Demott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873

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Earth DayThis year we celebrate Earth Day on Wednesday, April 22nd! Earth Day was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson on April 22nd, 1970 and is celebrated around the world.

On this day we demonstrate support for environmental protection, and will begin working on our Victory Garden.

The Victory Garden is a raised garden that Stein Residents can help plant, water, weed and pick vegetables. The vegetables will then be cooked in our kitchen and served to the residents. Wilentz Senior Housing also has a residents garden for their residents to participate in as well!

Below are a few ways for YOU to show your support as you enjoy the earth and spring!

Buying local, fresh foods and making a nutritious meal is a great activity to do on Earth Day. If the weather is nice and sunny, try taking a nature walk to see new things while you enjoy the fresh air.

Grab your neighbor and plant fresh flowers in your backyard! Flower arranging allows you to be creative; there is no right or wrong way to go about it.

Lastly, reminisce with a friend or loved one, about your favorite place on earth. This earth is a beautiful place, and with your help and participation on Earth Day and every day, we can continue to keep it clean and healthy!

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