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Chicken Soup Project Takes Off
Jackie Cheslow of Colonia and John Harris of Linden commitee co-chairs work with volunteers to prepare chicken soup

Temple and Stein Hospice Team Up in Chicken Soup Project

Chicken Soup is said to heal the body and soul and in that spirit, the Chesed Connection at Temple Beth El Mekor Chayim in Cranford, New Jersey is proud to be part of the outreach of “The Chicken Soup Project” which is the brain child of Sara Culang, Volunteer Director of The Martin and Edith Stein Hospice.

Jackie Cheslow of Colonia and John Harris of Linden along with Harold Roy of Cranford spearheaded the joint-organization effort with the Stein Hospice. They brought together a multi-generational team who volunteered their time and talent cooking 30 quarts of chicken soup. 24 quarts have already been delivered to patients of The Martin and Edith Stein Hospice.

The project was so successful that the co-chairs are already planning to make another batch of what we all know as “Jewish Penicillin”.

The Martin and Edith Stein Hospice is proud to now be serving Jewish patients in Union County. Being a recipient of The Chicken Soup Project is just one of the many advantages patients using the services of the Martin and Edith Stein Hospice can expect.

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