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Benefits of Senior Transportation

man opening door to vanWhen a senior loses their ability to drive, it can be more life-altering than expected. There are not only physical changes that may occur, but emotional and mental changes can affect the individual as well. While family members and loved ones may be available to support and assist their loved one in getting around, this new situation could present a difficult change for all involved. Senior transportation services are a great option for lessening the impact of these changes. Here are some benefits of using transportation services that are specialized for seniors.

Regaining sense of freedom
While family members may be available to help, the ability to arrange one’s own transportation and schedule can improve sense of independence for the older adult. This increased independence may also encourage participation in outside activities because there is less worry about burdening others. It can also improve emotional health, reducing feelings of loneliness–which is a life-prolonging benefit.

Many older adults who don’t drive are able to use public transportation or taxi services on their own. However, it may be particularly beneficial to use a service specialized for older populations. Many senior transportation services have equipment that helps those with mobility issues get in and out of a vehicle safely. With staff trained to work with older adults, seniors and their families can be reassured that their safety is a top priority during each trip.

Respite for family and loved ones
While family members may want to offer their time to escort their older loved ones to daily activities, the added responsibility on top of their own schedule may prove to be too stressful. Using a transportation service that is specifically aimed at transporting seniors provides a higher level of confidence for both the rider and their loved ones.

Transportation with Wilf Transport
Wilf Transport is committed to improving the quality of life of seniors in our community. With friendly and caring drivers, who are trained to assist seniors and adults with disabilities, one can rest assured that they are in good hands. For more information on transportation throughout the New Jersey area with Wilf Transport, call 732-649-3502 or email [email protected] today.

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